System and Method for Radiation Dose Reporting

Principal Investigator: 

George Shih, Professor of Clinical Radiology

Invention Summary

Systems and methods for reporting radiation dose information from medical images, particularly from Computed Tomography (CT) images

Technology Overview

Approximately 70 million CT studies are performed each year in the US. These studies account for about 50% of the radiation dose exposure administered in the healthcare setting.

However, it is still a challenge to systematically track and assess radiation exposure from CT studies. The radiation dose index provided by older CT equipment is not digital but, rather, is “burned” into an image in the DICOM file, making it difficult to share these data with other information systems.

Cornell researchers have developed an algorithm, and software executing the algorithm, that accurately extracts the radiation dose index data from the image file and stores it both in the data file of the DICOM file, and in an external database. The software accurately extracted dose index information from 518 out of 518 CTDI reports in the inventors’ study.

The inventors also have developed a system that (i) extracts dose index information from image files within DICOM files or from the data file; (ii) converts the radiation dose index into the absorbed dose for a given patient and procedure; (iii) can compile the data in order to provide automatic reporting to other systems, such as EHRs and workflow systems, or upon demand.

The system is useful for performing quality control and assurance on a given CT machine, image center, technician, or ordering doctor, and can provide automated alerts when cumulative dosing for a given patient approaches or exceeds a given threshold.

The algorithm and software will be useful as part of the field's mission to Image Safely.

  • Automated framework for digital radiation dose index reporting from CT dose reports. AJR Am J Roentgenol., 2011, 197, 1170.
  • Published Patent Application: US 2012/0106817

Intellectual Property


Cornell Reference

  • 4742

Contact Information

Louise Sarup, Ph.D

For additional information please contact

Louise Sarup
Associate Director, Business Development and Licensing
Phone: (646) 962-3523