Flexible and Stretchable Radiofrequency Coils for Improved Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Principal Investigator: 

Eliza Motovilova, Postdoctoral Associate in Radiology

Background & Unmet Need

  • MRI uses radiofrequency (RF) coils to obtain imagesof internal anatomy
  • Current MRI techniques use rigid RF coil arrays toaccommodate a wide range of patient anatomies
  • Arrays that better conform to the anatomy of interestyield better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
  • While newer, flexible RF designs improve thisvolume issue, full SNR optimization requires that RFcoils be stretchable
  • Current efforts for stretchable RF coils suffer fromdetuning during stretching or require outside circuitryto retune coils
  • Unmet Need: RF coils which are both stretchableand flexible to conform to patient anatomy and areautomatically tunable

Technology Overview

  • The Technology: The inventors have developed astretchable and autotuning RF coil array for MRI
  • In this RF coil, liquid metal is embedded in a softpolymer, which allows it to conform to a variety ofpatient shapes
  • The design of the proposed coil includes astretchable interdigital capacitor, which reducesresonance frequency shift with stretching
  • PoC Data: In bench measurements, the proposedcoil had a frequency shift of only 0.4% at 27%stretch, compared to the control coil at 4%
  • In vivo, the proposed coil showed a 60% SNRincrease compared to a dedicated knee coil array

Technology Applications

  • General MR imaging with increased resolution
  • More effective MRI for challenging anatomies
  • Wearable MRI technology

Technology Advantages

  • Design provides higher SNR for better imaging
  • Flexible and stretchable design can be worn bypatient and conform to a variety of anatomies
  • Coils are autotuning, so there is no need for externaltuning circuits or equipment

Figure: prototype of proposed RF coil shows higher SNR compared to a commercial knee coil array.

Intellectual Property


  • PCT Application Filed WO2022232416A1: "Self-tuning liquid metal rf coil and coil array for mri." (Published Nov 3, 2022)

Cornell Reference

  • 9669

Contact Information

Louise Sarup, Ph.D

For additional information please contact

Louise Sarup
Associate Director, Business Development and Licensing
Phone: (646) 962-3523
Email: lss248@cornell.edu