OUP Webinar: Setting up Boards for Your Startup: Pre-Funding and Post-Funding

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 12:00pm - Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:00pm

Event banner with the title, date and time and the two speakers (both men)
Event Description: 

The final installment in OUP's Funding and Equity Webinar Series is focused on an important function for your startup – your boards. Bob Adelson and Bill Harrington, Managing Partners at Osage University Partners, will be our panelists. 

  • When do you need a Board of Directors?
  • What is the purpose of the Board of Directors?
  • What roles do the Directors play?
  • What should the board composition look like at different stages of the company?
  • How are the board members recruited and decided on?
  • How often do the board meet and what other interactions do the officers in the company have with them?
  • What other advisory boards should my company have and what purpose do they serve?
  • How does compensation work for board members?
  • What are the legal aspects of being a board member?

The panelists will also share a typical board meeting for a life sciences company and for a physical sciences company to help the audience understand what the board covers during meetings. Please submit any questions you have of the panelists below when you register.

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