Susan and Gene D. Resnick ’70, MD ’74 Prize for Excellence in Entrepreneurship

The Susan and Gene D. Resnick ’70, MD ’74 Prize for Excellence in Entrepreneurship (the “Resnick Prize”), is an annual university-wide competition that provides funding to startups with an active, intercampus collaboration involving Weill Cornell Medicine and either Cornell University (Ithaca/NYC/Qatar) and/or Cornell Tech. Startups initiated in the Weill Cornell, Ithaca, Qatar or Tech locations are eligible to apply. The Resnick Prize seeks to support exciting collaborations where teams can work together on a technology that will be commercialized via a startup. The winner will receive $10,000.

The Resnick Prize is targeting projects related to therapeutics, devices, digital and diagnostics that impact health care and patient outcomes. To be eligible to receive the award, teams must have incorporated their company.

Teams that have participated in I-Corp, Accelerating BioVenture Innovation, Business Plan Challenge, Life Science Technology Innovation Fellowship, and/or Runway Programs are highly encouraged to apply.

Contact Loren Busby at for additional information.

Past Susan and Gene D. Resnick ’70, MD ’74 Prize for Excellence in Entrepreneurship events

The Resnick Prize for Excellence in Entrepreneurship Info Session

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - 12:00pm to 12:30pm

Resnick Prize for Excellence in Entrepreneurship Info Session

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 4:00pm to 4:30pm