
Click here to see a list of our past events. 


9:00am - 11:45pm

Critical Path Institute’s (C-Path) Translational Therapeutics Accelerator (TRxA) is proud to announce its 2024 global Request for Proposals for its Breakthrough Research and Innovation in Drug Development Grants (BRIDGe). 

BRIDGe awards are designed to support academic researchers by providing funding and defining optimal strategies for advancing new, cutting-edge therapeutics from the lab to patients. Projects eligible for BRIDGe awards include early lead optimization and IND-enabling studies, using small molecule approaches, anywhere in the world. Biologicals, including peptides or antibodies, oligonucleotides, cell and gene therapy applications and medical devices are not eligible at this time. Drug repurposing approaches are also not eligible during this funding cycle.

Please see attached documents for the PDF icon details of the funding opportunity and also a PDF icon pre-proposal template. To apply, send Deanna Scarcella ( a NON-CONFIDENTIAL (make sure to EXCLUDE any unpublished data or information) pre-proposal by Friday, March 22, 2024, which will be reviewed by the CTL. CTL will coordinate submitting the pre-proposal by the deadline of Fri, Mar 29. Contact Deanna if you have any questions. 

A blue hand building a white bridge across a valley across two blue mountains.
1:15pm - 3:00pm

Join scientists from the Sanders Tri-Institutional Therapeutics Discovery Institute as they share their broad knowledge of small molecule and biologics drug discovery. This mini-course will be provided in four sessions over the course of three weeks (4/1, 4/2, 4/8 and 4/15). Classes will be structured informally with ample opportunity for questions and discussion.

The course covers:

  • An overview of Sanders TDI
  • Target identification and validation
  • Assays for drug discovery
  • Assay development
  • Screening methodologies
  • Introduction to medicinal chemistry
  • Introduction to computational chemistry and molecular modeling
  • Antibody generation strategies
  • Immunization strategies
  • Antibody engineering and optimization
  • Developability assessment

 The number of seats is limited. Register now. Questions? Contact Leigh Baxt at

Sanders Tri-I TDI logo with three arcs in red, light and dark blues forming a triangle shape
9:00am - 9:00am

The Mark Foundation Emerging Leader Awards support innovative cancer research from the next generation of leaders. These grants are awarded to outstanding early career investigators to support high-impact, high-risk projects that are distinct from their current research portfolio.

Award Terms

  • The grant amount is $250,000 per year for three (3) years totaling $750,000.
  • Indirect costs are not to exceed 10% of direct costs and are included in total.
  • Emerging Leader Awards are granted to a single investigator; co-investigators are not permitted. The award may be used to support projects carried out with collaborators, who may provide letters of support.
  • In Year 3, at The Mark Foundation’s discretion, select Awardees may be invited to apply for up to two (2) years of additional funding depending on project progress.
  • The letter of agreement will include IP terms with a revenue sharing component.
  • Award start date will be January 1, 2025.

The portal to submit letters of intent for the upcoming Emerging Leader Award will open on March 20, 2024. Letters of Intent must be submitted through the online application system no later than 5 PM Eastern Time on Monday, April 29, 2024. Learn more about the application process here

The Mark Foundation logo - a dark blue capital M with the right vertical line being a strand of DNA formed by greenish blue and dark blue dots
10:00am - 4:00pm Belfer Research Building, BB212, 413 East 69th St., New York, NY 10021

Center for Technology Licensing (CTL) at Weill Cornell Medicine is offering a special opportunity to meet personally with Jason Novak, J.D., of Norton Rose Fulbright, whose specialties in health care and AI will provide valuable information to the Weill Cornell Medicine community following his March 18 panel appearance on the topics at Cornell Tech. 

Jason has extensive experience in IP and data rights strategy. For data rights, Jason advises clients on transactions, protection and general strategy. On the IP front, Jason's experience extends to patent portfolio management, preparation and prosecution, oppositions, counseling, licensing and technology transactions, in and out-licensing, freedom-to-operate, various types of due diligence, IP training, risk recognition and management and dispute resolution.

Register for your 1:1 session now!

A middle-aged man wearing glasses, a red tie and black suit.
6:00pm - 9:00pm Cornell Tech, 2 W Loop Rd, Bloomberg Auditorium, New York, NY 10044

This panel discussion delves into data rights in AI-related technologies and strategies for successful commercialization. Panelists include Jason Novak of Norton Rose Fulbright, Fernando Gómez-Baquero, Director of the Runway Startup Postdoc and Spinout Programs, and Vince Hartman, Co-founder and CEO of Abstractive Health. This engaging session will offer a multifaceted view on leveraging AI technologies for commercial success, ensuring data rights, and navigating the evolving landscape of AI commercialization. Food and drink networking reception to follow! 

Register here

Headshots of four panelists (three men and a woman) against a background of the Cornell Tech campus
6:00pm - 8:00pm Weill Cornell Medicine Greenberg Center, 1305 York Ave, New York, NY 10021

Are you a graduate student or postdoc from Weill Cornell Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering, or Rockefeller University who is interested in bringing your science to the public? Join us to meet the leaders helping to propel life science entrepreneurs ahead!

Hosted by the startup venture group, BioVenture eLab, Life Sciences Technology and Innovation Fellows, Center for Technology Licensing, and Postdoc Runway Startup Program, attendees will learn about the incredible organizations that will help you along every stage of your entrepreneurial path.

​We will begin with an introduction from each organization followed by a Q&A from the audience. After the Q&A, each organization will be seated at a table to discuss more about the programs they offer with the audience in a fair style approach.

Speakers representing each organization include:

  • BioVenture eLab, a part of WCM Enterprise Innovation – Loren Busby
  • Life Sciences Technology and Innovation Fellows – Gregory Ray
  • Center for Technology Licensing – Lynda Inseque
  • Postdoc Runway Startup Program – Tomer Joshua

​This is an incredible opportunity to learn about how to develop your science into a product that can directly impact the lives of others!

​Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided! Register now.

Event title against an illustration of a launching rocket, bags of money, gears and a lightbulb.
12:00pm - 1:00pm

OUP is pleased to invite you to our annual startup financing trends webinar. Join Harry Won, Nii Dodoo-Amoo and Nabil Ullah of OUP’s investment team for a discussion on startup financing trends to review the state of the venture funding landscape.

We’ll cover current market behaviors across the entire startup ecosystem with a specific emphasis on university spinouts. Harry Won will outline trends in the life sciences, including biopharma, research tools, diagnostics, and medical devices while Nii Dodoo-Amoo and Nabil Ullah will review the tech and physical sciences, ranging from software to climate tech.

OUP leverages public sources and its own proprietary database of active university spinouts from its partner institutions to provide unique insights and perspectives for 2024 and beyond. Register here

Headshots of three male speakers against a dark blue background
11:45am - 1:00pm

A successful startup needs a strong team. Join this exclusive workshop to gain invaluable insights on team dynamics, talent acquisition and effective leadership strategies that will help you build, develop and manage a high-performing team.

Leading the session will be Dr. Steve Sauer, a lecturer in the Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management and an expert on leadership, team dynamics and organizational behavior. He’ll be joined by Pablo Borquez Schwarzbeck, founder of ProducePay, and Julie Baker, co-founder and CEO of Ursa Space Systems.  

This workshop is part of a virtual series offered by Cornell Research and Innovation. Designed to explore the entrepreneurial journey from ideation to operation, the series is open to anyone with a vision for a startup, including researchers, faculty, doctoral students, graduate students, and undergraduates across Cornell’s campuses. 

Register here. Questions? Contact

Four young people sitting at a table. A young woman wearing a grey suit standing and talking.
1:00pm - 3:00pm Virtual

CTL at Weill Cornell Medicine Office Hours are open to all who wish to gain more information about the advancement of their patent filings and to discuss their technology venture project with a one-on-one meeting with a Weill Cornell business development and licensing professional.

The March 12th office hours will be hosted by Eric Bryant, Intellectual Property Officer at Weill Cornell Medicine Enterprise Innovation. 

Eric holds a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering from New York University, a Juris Doctor from New York Law School, and is a registered patent attorney. He works with the Center for Technology Licensing to execute on intellectual property strategy, review submitted invention disclosures, and manage domestic and foreign patent filings and patent prosecution. 

Eric’s expertise encompasses a variety of technologies including, but not limited to, diagnostics tools and methods, pharmaceuticals, controlled release therapeutic devices, respiratory devices, surgical tools, biological technologies and nanotechnology. 

Schedule your 30-minute session here

Eric Bryant's headshot against a background of Weill Cornell campus with light red overlay
12:00pm - 1:00pm Zoom

Join our virtual info session for the $100K Biomedical Business Plan Challenge accelerator program!
All are welcome to attend to learn about the upcoming $100K Biomedical Business Plan Challenge accelerator program, which teaches faculty and trainees to create robust business plans and materials that would garner investor interest.

The intensive 10-week accelerator will teach important concepts in startup formation including market research, IP, R&D, and budgeting/finance, to those interested in building a startup. At the end of the program, participants will pitch to industry representatives and venture capital investors to win cash prizes.

Register now

Event details against a background of different lab images and a photo of students in a class